When we regularly challenge ourselves with something new—even something not obviously related to our immediate goals—we build cognitive and emotional “muscles” that make us more effective in every way.
Aldofez uma citaçãohá 3 anos
Pablo Picasso nailed it when he said that “computers are useless. They can only give you answers.” Questions are what matter. Questions, and discovering the right ones, are the key to staying on course.
Aldofez uma citaçãohá 3 anos
These intermediate objectives are essential if we are to create conditions favorable to our strategy. Without them we’re trying to build a house starting with the roof.
Aldofez uma citaçãohá 3 anos
You won’t know what you are looking for until you are aware what conditions will satisfy you.
Ninofez uma citaçãohá 4 anos
frequently changed strategy is the same as no strategy
Nadia p.fez uma citaçãohá 4 anos
doesn’t matter how far ahead you see if you don’t understand what you are looking at.
Nadia p.fez uma citaçãohá 4 anos
The moment that confidence weakens, indecisiveness and concrete failures usually follow. If we aren’t confident, we begin to postpone decisions and this leads to a destructive cycle of anxiety and time pressure.
Nadia p.fez uma citaçãohá 4 anos
Here was a strategist who knew that not having anything to do didn’t mean doing nothing.
Nadia p.fez uma citaçãohá 4 anos
these times, a true strategist shines by finding the means to make progress, to strengthen his position and prepare for the inevitable conflict. And conflict, we cannot forget, isinevitable.
Nadia p.fez uma citaçãohá 4 anos
Questions, and discovering the right ones, are the key to staying on course.