Rachel Lee

Cornered in Conard County

Hiding from a murderer, a woman puts her trust in a sheriff deputy and a K9 guard dog in this romantic suspense from a New York Times–bestselling author .
Conard County is a refuge for Dory Lake, a place to flee from her tragic past. For extra security, she goes to Cadell Marcus for one of his expertly trained guard dogs. Just the dog. But the part-time deputy can’t help digging deeper into the beautiful stranger’s history.
After learning the circumstances of the murders Dory witnessed, Cadell isn’t about to leave her at the mercy of the calculated killer. The madman is counting on finding Dory isolated, but Cadell vows that she’ll never be alone. Guarding her 24/7 is the only way to keep her safe . . . and to break down her emotional walls he wants so desperately to breach.
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