Kathie DeNosky,Maxine Sullivan

One Night, Two Babies / Valente's Baby

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{"strong"=>["One Night, Two Babies"], “em”=>[" Kathie DeNosky”]}
Heiress Arielle Garnier was pregnant — with twins — and the father-to-be was nowhere in sight — until he barged into her office. Zach Forsythe, billionaire resort owner, was the man she’d had a week-long affair with. Why had Zach lied about his name and left her without a word?
Valente’s Baby Maxine Sullivan For Matthew Valente, paternity trumped everything. Never mind that his ex-employee Lana had kept his baby a secret for nearly a year or that he considered her a liar and a thief. Their child would bear the Valente name…and so would she!
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