Melanie Chan

Life Coaching – Life Changing

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  • Лилия Максимоваfez uma citaçãohá 6 anos
    small steps often lead to big changes
  • Regina Nurbakovafez uma citaçãohá 7 anos
    even resentful. Perhaps you slam the coffee jar and make a huge sigh so your partner knows just how resentful you are feeling. This leads to an argument and you start to feel even worse because you are now angrier and more upset.
  • Regina Nurbakovafez uma citaçãohá 7 anos
    It is Monday morning and you wake up in a bad mood. You do not want to go to work and are thinking why does the weekend pass so quickly? You might be worried about all the work you have to do and feel like you are on a treadmill. These sorts of thoughts are likely to make you feel irritable, depressed or sad. As you get ready for work you may move around slowly as if there is an invisible weight on your shoulders.

    Then your partner gets up and asks you to make the coffee. You reply that it is their turn to make the coffee. Your partner says that they are feeling really tired and would really like you to do it. You may be thinking this is so unfair, why should I have to make the coffee. You start to feel annoyed
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