Jamie Goode

The Taming of the Screwcap

Screwcaps v Cork — This is still a much debated topic and could probably lead to divisions between friends over the dinner table!?  This is why the IWFS believes that this is an essential topic to be given a balanced and fair airing and author Dr Jamie Goode was felt the ideal person to write it, bearing in mind the research he has done on this.   Jamie explores the many options that have been trialled and launched over the years and explains the factors influencing their success or failure. The aim is to give clarity to those with a keen interest in exploring the various quality influences on the wine in the bottle. Jamie said “The issue of wine bottle closures runs the risk of being highly controversial, or highly technical and boring, and I've tried to avoid both in this book. It's my hope that this is a readable, impartial treatment of the topic that will be a useful reference.” It could well still leave the question — which closure is best?  Maybe the jury is still out.
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