Not that I’m complaining. I just didn’t think sleeping next to my dream girl would mean waking up to her elbow in my rib each night.
Лера Третьякfez uma citaçãoano passado
“I actually thought there were only two kinds of love before. That it was just love like your family or romantic love. But I think there may be hundreds of kinds. Love like a new lease on life. Love like a place to exist freely. Love like being understood. Love like the contented quiet. Love like freshly baked cookies. Love like a thin veil between wishing it’d started earlier and loving the way it began.”
Лера Третьякfez uma citaçãoano passado
Sex before felt like having to perform in front of an audience and panel of judges. Sex with Evan feels like I’ve known all the steps all along, like a memory sketched into my bone marrow, for only us. Our sacred ritual. Our holy land.