Anne Louise Bang,Rune Thorbjørn Jason Clausen,Thomas Østergaard

Sustainability in Creative Industries

The transition to an environmentally sustainable, circular, and climate-neutral economy has significant employment, educational, and social impacts. As the scale of major societal challenges escalate, so do the political and educational policies pushing for radical change. Recently established commitments to the European Green Deal, the European Skills Agenda, the new EU Circular Economy Action Plan, and a tsunami of Europe-wide legislation is about to hit creative industries and their modus operandi for doing business.

In Sustainability in Creative Industries, each chapter provides 'tales of the field' from lecturers and researchers at VIA University College, Design & Business, and the Research and Development Centre for Creative Industries and Professions. Together, the chapters offer an accumulated gallery of perspectives that serves as the backbone of the book. It is our hope that it can be used as an inspirational tool for those working with and interested in the challenges and opportunities of sustainability in creative industries and related educational institutions.
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Bogforlaget Frydenlund
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