I want some friends, friends who will be girls. Girl friends. I know that these exist, having read about them in books, but I’ve never had any girl friends because I’ve never been in one place long enough.
kinokitofez uma citaçãohá 4 anos
We’re impervious, we scintillate, we are thirteen.
evshirninafez uma citaçãohá 6 anos
“I’m not mad because I’m a woman,” I say. “I’m mad because you’re an asshole.”
evshirninafez uma citaçãohá 6 anos
chivalry in men is idiocy in women
evshirninafez uma citaçãohá 6 anos
a man can be admirable in many ways but a jerk in others.
evshirninafez uma citaçãohá 6 anos
Knowing too much about other people puts you in their power, they have a claim on you, you are forced to understand their reasons for doing things and then you are weakened.