history has a deeper structure, that events we usually explain in terms of politics, economics or natural disaster can more profitably be seen in terms of other, more spiritual patterns.
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when human happiness and hopes for self fulfilment depend on the outcome of the roll of the dice, then the laws of probability are bent. Then deeper laws come into play.
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was created in order to provide the conditions in which the human mind would be possible.
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The human task is to grow up, to mature, to learn to come to terms with this indifference.
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He imagined free, creative beings capable of loving so intelligently and thinking so lovingly that they could transform themselves and others of their kind in their innermost being.
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Cabala, Hermeticism, Sufism, the Templars, the Rosicrucians, esoteric Freemasonry, Martinism, the theosophy of Madame Blavatsky and Anthroposophy are included,
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cabalistic, hermetic and neoplatonic streams that lie relatively close to the surface of Western culture, there are also Sufi elements in this book and ideas flowing from esoteric Hinduism and Buddhism, as well as a few Celtic sources.
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TWO NOVELS, FOUCAULT’S PENDULUM and The Da Vinci Code, have popularized the notion of a conspiracy of secret societies that seeks to control the course of history.
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science has taken over from religion as the main agent of social control.
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secret teachings on the history of the world influence the foreign policy of the present US administration regarding Central Europe.