Rosemary Smith

Lizzie Goes to Tea

What happens when the neighborhood lizard crashes a tea party? In the fun new children’s book Lizzie Goes to Tea, Lizzie Lizard sees all the colorful decorations going up for a backyard tea party at the house where her family lives. She wants to attend so badly, but her mother says it’s rude to go to a party without an invitation. Lizzie sees the pretty hats, the food, and all the bows and ribbons, and decides to attend anyway. Things go well until she snaps up a pesky fly buzzing around a slice of cake. The girls at the party like the little green guest, but some mothers get upset. Lizzie comes home to face her mother’s frown. When the lizards overhear the party hostess saying she will have another party and invite all the backyard lizards, Lizzie and her mother are so excited! Says the author, «Lizzie Lizard and her friends and family are green Anole lizards that live in my backyard. I first met Lizzie when she was tiny and have enjoyed watching her grow. Lizzie and her cousin, Woody, are learning life’s lessons. Both of them have gotten into trouble because they don’t always follow their parents’ advice. Mama and Papa Lizard are patient teachers, but their curious children always seem to learn their lessons the hard way.»
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