Maybe Georgia has a point. Loving someone means supporting him without expecting anything in return. It’s making him a sandwich, or standing beside him when he’s facing the worst part of his past.
I can be that friend. Even if it hurts.
Pradishma Nagvekarfez uma citaçãohá 5 anos
Daddy had it all wrong. It’s not the jobs you work or the brand of your shoes.
Spoiled is not having to look into the darkness.
Pradishma Nagvekarfez uma citaçãohá 5 anos
Heidi doesn’t deserve that. She needs someone who can love her without reservation. She wouldn’t even want a guy who’s as dark inside as I am right now.
She nails the high note and then finishes the song to applause and also to catcalls.
Pradishma Nagvekarfez uma citaçãohá 5 anos
Silas picked up a hockey fangirl and took her upstairs.
Silas never bangs the fans. But that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t indulge if he feels the urge.
Pradishma Nagvekarfez uma citaçãohá 5 anos
Ouch. I care too much about a man who’s still grieving. It’s nobody’s
Pradishma Nagvekarfez uma citaçãohá 5 anos
I went off to college, where nobody knew me as the boyfriend of the dead girl. So I started hooking up on the regular. No relationships, of course. Just sex.
And that was the way it went for six years. Until now.
Pradishma Nagvekarfez uma citaçãohá 5 anos
scowl deepens. “You’re hurt? Jesus Christ.” He strides over to cup my chin possessively. Then he squints at my tiny bruise. “He gave you a shiner?” Those dark brown eyes get dark and wild.
Pradishma Nagvekarfez uma citaçãohá 5 anos
It’s her essence. She’s populating my bathroom with beauty products and taking over my dresser drawer with lacy little pairs of panties, and I don’t even mind the invasion. Because I love the way her arm curls around my waist at night and the sound of her raucous laughter when I tell a joke.
Pradishma Nagvekarfez uma citaçãohá 5 anos
I don’t even think, I just pull her against my chest. “Jesus. Do they know it’s forty degrees out here?”
“The g-girls are allowed to stand inside when it dips below freezing.”
Pradishma Nagvekarfez uma citaçãohá 5 anos
She shakes her head. “It’s easy to celebrate new relationships. You haven’t fucked it up yet. But someday you’re gonna come through my door again and say, ‘I need some flower