Can the ancient model of Celtic Christianity really have any relevance to our charismatic, evangelical churches? Celtic Christianity was always on the margins of society, so looking at how those Christians lived out their faith can bring real insight into how we model church today. From slowing down in a busy world, reconnecting with God through appreciating nature, caring for the planet, to finding God's presence through mindfulness and practising whole-life discipleship, there are treasures to be found that are surprisingly modern and relevant to the world we live in today. Discover how the Celtic tradition can revitalise and reconnect us in our daily walk with God. Content Benefits: Rediscovering some of the lessons from the Celtic tradition can revitalise and reconnect us in our daily walk with God and actually help us find meaningful ways to help us engage with others and show them Christ. — Taps into the renewed wonder in creation created since lockdown. — Helps articulate a Christian response to environmental issues and climate change. — Uncovers a way to slow down, appreciate nature, and be more mindful and more present. — Reconnects us to the beauty of nature and points to the Creator God. — Provides practical guidance to introduce elements of Celtic Spirituality into church services. — Written in an engaging, anecdotal style that is accessible to all. — Introduces the reader to the beauty of Celtic poetry, prayers and writings. — The second book in The Rediscovering the Heart of Faith, Life and Everything series — Ideal for anyone wanting to create a more reflective space in their charismatic services. — Publisher — Authentic Media