Finley’s body was a living canvas of ink and bone. It would grow and change, evolve. It would age and fade, it would grow softer, get bigger, shrink and shrivel, as bodies will.
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Pain was a reminder that she was alive, that she drew breath into her lungs and was tied to the world of the living.
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Sometimes it’s when you think you know that you stop seeing.
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Fear had a way of aging people, making them look vulnerable.
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Maybe that alone was the foundation of a good marriage, an endless willingness to forgive and to love in spite of ourselves, an ability to ride the highs and endure the lows, the decision to always go home.
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She knew him in a way that you can only know someone you love totally.
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He looked so young, so much like when she’d first loved him.
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We can strive to alter negative thought patterns.
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The consequences for some mistakes would not be undone.
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He was a wolf, a ranger, being asked to live the life of a Labradoodle.