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Dan Johnson

Creative Guide To Journal Writing

The Creative Guide to Journal Writing is a personal gateway to developing a journal of your own; interlaced with private thoughts, ideas, stories, and the ramblings of life. Once you get the journal “habit” — and experience the immense personal satisfaction it brings — you will discover your journal is an essential part of your life. Your journal will provide you with insights into “hang-ups” and stumbling blocks to success, unravel the essence of dreams, and afford you a sometimes turbulent path to reveal your hidden fears and secret desires.

The Creative Guide to Journal Writing is a unique approach to this proven channel to personal growth. Found within its pages is a simplified method for keeping a journal. One showing that it is not only easy to write your own journal, but it’s also a wonderful process for tapping your hidden creative powers. With the assistance of eleven simple exercises, designed to aid in the writing process, the Creative Guide to Journal Writing will support you in analyzing the patterns of behavior in your life; help you overcome “writers block”; and craft within you a more creative and perceptive person.
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  • ViktoriaWildRosecompartilhou uma impressãohá 6 anos
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    The book contains many deep thoughts.

  • b2801023997compartilhou uma impressãohá 6 anos
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    Inspiring and worthwhile!

  • Ольга Алексееваcompartilhou uma impressãohá 8 anos
    🎯Vale a pena

    Очень понравилось! Вдохновляющее практическое руководство для желающих вести личные дневники, а также для начинающих писателей.


  • Menna Abu Zahrafez uma citaçãohá 2 anos
    The beauty of keeping a journal is not being judged by someone else and most importantly not being judged by yourself.
  • Menna Abu Zahrafez uma citaçãohá 2 anos
    With that said, let’s begin this journey together.
  • Menna Abu Zahrafez uma citaçãohá 2 anos
    you write or draw or doodle in your journal, you will begin to discover remarkable things about yourself and your world.

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