Myrtle Allen

The Ballymaloe Cookbook

First published in 1977, The Ballymaloe Cookbook espouses a food philosophy rare for its time, but now so prevalent that this revised and updated edition shows just what an impact Myrtle Allen has made.

With classic, simple recipes, The Ballymaloe Cookbook is the ultimate kitchen cookery manual, packed with priceless tips from a true master chef, such as 'how to get a carrot to taste like a carrot' and 'how not to drown a fresh fish'!

Myrtle's charming food writing contains a world of wisdom that reveals a woman of great foresight, and not only where food is concerned. It is an elegant tribute to an authentic and sustainable way of life to which many of us are now seeking to return.

This new edition of The Ballymaloe Cookbook marks both Myrtle's ninetieth birthday and fifty years of her award-winning, internationally renowned restaurant at Ballymaloe House. Containing many new recipes, the book is a celebration of modern Irish cooking at its best.
The Ballymaloe Cookbook: Table of Contents

— Soups and Starters
— Sauces
— Fish and Shellfish
— Poultry
— Meat
— Vegetables
— Sweets and Ices
— Tarts, Breads and Cakes
— Pâtés, Cheese and Eggs
— Some Drinks
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