According to the ancient texts human beings did not evolve from some inanimate and simplistic form, as our modern scientists would have us believe. Rather, we emerged fully realized at the start of the Golden Age. Every spiritual tradition speaks of this time, whether it is known as the primordial paradise, the Garden of Eden, the first world, the Dreamtime, or the Satya Yuga. In fact, teachings from spiritual traditions around the world describe this as an age of primal perfection in which humanity was one with nature and spiritual order prevailed.
During this idyllic age, the world and all its components–from human beings to plants and minerals–were seen and experienced as the immense manifest body of the formless. We were part of the dance of Divinity unfolding itself. Therefore, we had no need of outward images, rites, and rituals to help us maintain our link with Divinity.