bookmate game
William Shakespeare

Venus and Adonis

  • Aidee Venturafez uma citaçãohá 9 meses
    With kissing him I should have kill'd him first
  • Aidee Venturafez uma citaçãohá 9 meses
    Hateful divorce of love,'—thus chides she Death,—
    'Grim-grinning ghost, earth's worm, what dost thou mean
    To stifle beauty and to steal his breath,
    Who when he liv'd, his breath and beauty set
    Gloss on the rose, smell to the violet?
  • Aidee Venturafez uma citaçãohá 9 meses
    How love makes young men thrall and old men dote;
    How love is wise in folly foolish-witty
  • Aidee Venturafez uma citaçãohá 9 meses
    Love comforteth like sunshine after rain,
    But Lust's effect is tempest after sun; 800
    Love's gentle spring doth always fresh remain,
    Lust's winter comes ere summer half be done.
    Love surfeits not, Lust like a glutton dies;
    Love is all truth, Lust full of forged lies.
  • Aidee Venturafez uma citaçãohá 9 meses
    Call it not, love, for Love to heaven is fled,
    Since sweating Lust on earth usurp'd his name
  • Aidee Venturafez uma citaçãohá 9 meses
    No, lady, no; my heart longs not to groan,
    But soundly sleeps, while now it sleeps alone.
    'What have you urg'd that I cannot reprove?
    The path is smooth that leadeth on to danger; 790
    I hate not love, but your device in love
    That lends embracements unto every stranger
  • Aidee Venturafez uma citaçãohá 9 meses
    For by this black-fac'd night, desire's foul nurse,
    Your treatise makes me like you worse and worse.
    'If love have lent you twenty thousand tongues,
    And every tongue more moving than your own, 776
    Bewitching like the wanton mermaid's songs,
    Yet from mine ear the tempting tune is blown;
    For know, my heart stands armed in mine ear,
    And will not let a false sound enter there; 780
    'Lest the deceiving harmony should run
    Into the quiet closure of my breast;
    And then my little heart were quite undone,
    In his bedchamber to be barr'd of rest.
  • Aidee Venturafez uma citaçãohá 9 meses
    The kiss I gave you is bestow'd in vain,
    And all in vain you strive against the stream
  • Aidee Venturafez uma citaçãohá 9 meses
    But gold that's put to use more gold begets.'
  • Aidee Venturafez uma citaçãohá 9 meses
    And now 'tis dark, and going I shall fall.'
    'In night,' quoth she, 'desire sees best of all.'
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