White Owl


Roberto Garzafez uma citaçãoano passado
Of course grunge wasn’t really about pop, it was rock music - without any of the roll.
Karina Bychkovafez uma citaçãohá 2 anos
e were the boys and girls who would have been bullied in the playground by the lads who would later be found prowling the crowds of Oasis concerts, clad in terrace clobber and howling with laughter at eccentrics like The Vessel from David Devant and His Spirit Wife and nodding in agreement when Noel Gallagher wished death from AIDS on members of Blur.
Karina Bychkovafez uma citaçãohá 2 anos
How individuals choose to interpret art isn’t really the responsibility of the artist and if anyone is to blame for the more laddish and overtly nationalistic tone of some moments of the era it is the press and not the artists.
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