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Emily Jane Brontë

Emily Jane Brontë was an English novelist and poet who is best known for her only novel, Wuthering Heights, now considered a classic of English literature. Emily was the third-eldest of the four surviving Brontë siblings, between the youngest Anne and her brother Branwell. She wrote under the pen name Ellis Bell.
years of life: 30 julho 1818 19 dezembro 1848



Srijita Bhakatfez uma citaçãoano passado
existence, after losing her, would be hell.
Drishtifez uma citaçãohá 2 anos
A person who has not done one-half his day's work by ten o'clock, runs a chance of leaving the other half undone.’
Srijita Bhakatfez uma citaçãoano passado
Nelly, I AM Heathcliff! He's always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my own being.


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  • Emily Jane Brontë
    Wuthering Heights
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  • Amycompartilhou uma impressãohá 3 meses
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  • Emily Jane Brontë
    Wuthering Heights
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    • 244
  • SS Mcompartilhou uma impressãohá 3 meses
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  • Emily Jane Brontë
    Wuthering Heights
    • 6.7K
    • 834
    • 46
    • 244
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