Pen & Sword Books

  • Roberto Garzafez uma citaçãoano passado
    Of course grunge wasn’t really about pop, it was rock music - without any of the roll.
  • lanfina9fez uma citaçãohá 23 dias
    1915 the British were the first to attack, in March, at Neuve Chapelle. The Germans followed this, in April, with a series of heavy attacks on Ypres
  • lanfina9fez uma citaçãohá 23 dias
    Turkey joining the Germans and Italy the Allies.
  • fernandoemendozata82056fez uma citaçãoano passado
    A StuG moving along a typical dusty road somewhere in Russia. The vehicles main task was to suppress heavy infantry and anti-tank weapons that could not be destroyed by heavy infantry weapons.
  • Holguín Luthierfez uma citaçãohá 7 meses
    ”. It was at a children’s home – for
  • Holguín Luthierfez uma citaçãohá 7 meses
    ”. It was at a children’s home – for Jewish children – on the Channel coast, where I encountered the notion of the Second World War for the first time
  • Holguín Luthierfez uma citaçãohá 7 meses
    When I was 9 I had to cross half of Europe on my own to be with yo
  • Holguín Luthierfez uma citaçãohá 7 meses
    German: My name is Jean-Jacques
  • Holguín Luthierfez uma citaçãohá 7 meses
    I still see myself, the only boy in the harem
  • Holguín Luthierfez uma citaçãohá 7 meses
    ” people who couldn’t stand you being free and running your life, and especially those who took you away from me. Thirty-five years later I still wonder if, secretly, y
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