
Katherine Center


Лера Третьякfez uma citaçãohá 2 anos
Robby had it wrong.
Because, despite everything, I loved her.
I didn’t like her, but I loved her.
And he’d underestimated me, as well. Because it’s so much harder to love someone who’s difficult than to love someone who’s easy.
Лера Третьякfez uma citaçãohá 2 anos
I’d never have admitted it—least of all to myself—but I did have what you could describe as a perfectly normal, nonpathetic, comfortingly mild, not-at-all creepy little crush on him.
Лера Третьякfez uma citaçãohá 2 anos
Nothing like flipping a man on his back to bolster your self-esteem.


Лера Третьякcompartilhou uma impressãohá 2 anos
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