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Marcus Aurelius

  • Marcin Grotafez uma citaçãoano passado
    He was taught to dress plainly and to live simply, to avoid all softness and luxury.
  • Erochukwu Shedrach Ugwufez uma citaçãohá 10 dias
    And if all men re­fuse to be­lieve that he lives a simple, mod­est, and con­ten­ted life, he is neither angry with any of them, nor does he de­vi­ate from the way which leads to the end of life, to which a man ought to come pure, tran­quil, ready to de­part, and without any com­pul­sion per­fectly re­con­ciled to his lot.
  • Marcin Grotafez uma citaçãoano passado
    He was taught to dress plainly and to live simply, to avoid all softness and luxury.
  • Marcin Grotafez uma citaçãoano passado
    Zeno, the founder of Stoicism, was born in Cyprus at some date unknown, but his life may be said roughly to be between the years 350 and 250 B.C.
  • Marcin Grotafez uma citaçãoano passado
    hn. was the Stoic idea of Virtue.
  • Marcin Grotafez uma citaçãoano passado
    The highest good of man is consciously to work with God for the common good, and this is the sense in which the Stoic tried to live in accord with nature.
  • Милош Миливојевићfez uma citaçãohá 4 meses
    and in an old wo­man and an old man he will be able to see a cer­tain ma­tur­ity and come­li­ness; and the at­tract­ive love­li­ness of young per­sons he will be able to look on with chaste eyes; and many such things will present them­selves, not pleas­ing to every man, but to him only who has be­come truly fa­mil­iar with nature and her works.
  • Милош Миливојевићfez uma citaçãohá 4 meses
    of de­sire be­longs both to wild beasts and to men who have made them­selves into wo­men, and to a Phalaris and a Nero
  • Vanja Lincevskifez uma citaçãoano passado
    Think not so much of what thou hast not as of what thou hast: but of the things which thou hast se­lect the best, and then re­flect how eagerly they would have been sought, if thou hadst them not. At the same time how­ever take care that thou dost not through be­ing so pleased with them ac­cus­tom thy­self to over­value them, so as to be dis­turbed if ever thou shouldst not have them.
  • Vanja Lincevskifez uma citaçãoano passado
    Let the wrong which is done by a man stay there where the wrong was done.
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