William A. Adams,Robert Anderson

Mastering Leadership

Is your leadership a competitive advantage, or is it costing you? How do you know? Are you developing your leadership effectiveness at the pace of change?

For most leaders today, complexity is outpacing their personal and collective development. Most leaders are in over their heads, whether they know it or not. The most successful organizations over time are the best led. While this has always been true, today escalating global complexity puts leadership effectiveness at a premium. Mastering leadership involves developing the effectiveness of leaders - individually and collectively - and turning that leadership into a competitive advantage. This comprehensive road map for optimal leadership features: breakthrough research that connects increased leadership effectiveness with enhanced business performance; the first fully integrated Universal Model of Leadership; the five stages in the evolution of leadership - Egocentric, Reactive, Creative, Integral, and Unitive - along with the organizational structures and cultures that develop at each of these stages; six leadership practices for evolving your leadership capability at a faster pace; a map of your optimal path to greater leadership effectiveness; and case stories that facilitate pragmatic application of this Leadership Development System to your particular situation.
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