Renee Carlino

Nowhere but Here

A year ago, Kate Corbin had a handsome boyfriend and a budding career as a reporter at a popular Chicago newspaper. But after the death of the woman who raised her, she fell into a rut and never got out. Now she's stuck writing fluff pieces about lipstick and wine and feeling trapped in a relationship that's going nowhere.

Kate's boss gives her an intriguing assignment: spend a week interviewing R. J. Lawson, a modern-day Howard Hughes who recently reemerged as the owner of a well-respected Napa winery. But when she alienates Lawson, her only saving grace is Jamie, a charming vineyard hand who shows her the beauty of wine country-and stirs her aching heart. It doesn't take long for Kate and Jamie to fall hard and for Kate to rethink her life in the city.

But the week ends with a heartbreaking journey back to Chicago that sends Kate reeling, wondering what went wrong in those four perfect days.

Contains mature themes.
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