Susan Minihane


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Menopause is a defining transition in a woman's life and deserves special attention.
Every woman needs a no-nonsense menopause guidebook that helps them to better understand this phase of their lives.
This menopause health book is a valuable guide that provides practical advice to navigate the physical and emotional challenges that come with perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause.
With a straightforward approach that covers topics like hormonal changes, HRT, alternative medicine, exercise, and nutrition, our menopause book is a helpful resource for women going through menopause.
This self-help book will help women understand the physical changes happening in their bodies and provides a ‘toolkit’ for dealing with everything from hot flashes to low libido to anxiety. Within these pages, you will also learn about conventional and alternative menopausal treatments, as well as exercises and nutrition that can be beneficial to women as they age.
By offering a practical approach for making sense of menopause, our self-care book is designed to help women manage their symptoms with confidence and positivity. This book about aging gracefully and provides guidance on dealing with emotional health, mood swings, depression, and anxiety, as well as tips for staying positive and maintaining a healthy outlook on life.
This book was written to help break down the barriers and taboos surrounding menopause. By making sense of menopause, it will empower women to embrace this new chapter of life with hope and vitality.
Take charge of your menopausal journey and greet this new phase with confidence and optimism!
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