Linda Marie Ketter

Love in Gold Places- Harvey’s Tale

Love in Gold Places- Harvey’s Tale
I came with my heart in my chest…
A battle between logic and emotions.
I crawled out of the darkest nightmare,
After the Second World War, his family, Edwards, began stealing. The Edwards were never as ordinary as they seemed, they were elite thieves stealing from every corner of the world. They had a code of conduct and a crown to symbolize the leading family, making anyone who wore the crown more influential and very important in the family.
The silent feud became loud immediately after the gold heist plan was successfully executed. Perfectly stolen from a Russian Mafia Lord and stored in a location only known to the crown bearer. The right motivation for his uncle to go completely rogue.
His father was murdered, and it was obvious to Chloe. She was quick-witted but the secret she knew had a price to pay. The battle facing them is the greed in their uncle’s heart, which is hellbent on killing them to have the gold to himself.
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