
182. Learning English with Yacine Belhousse

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This episode is all about the relationship between language, successful communication, stand-up comedy and learning English! It features an interview with the one-and-only Yacine Belhousse, who is a professional stand-up comedian in his native language and now in English too. A year and a half ago, Yacine hardly spoke any English. Now he regularly performs in English and this year he is doing a 1 hour stand-up comedy show at the Edinburgh fringe festival. How does he do it? How does he deal with the challenges of learning English while also making people laugh in English too? Listen and find out! Click here for more information: http://wp.me/pG0VZ-JP  #comedy #english #learn #learning #communication #eddieizzard #edinburgh #fringe #listening #advice #humour
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