Norman Sable,R.A. Martin

Healing Your Depression Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle

Healing Your Depression Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Dealing With Depression and Fight Depression
If you or someone you know has suddenly lost interest in the things they normally love, has trouble sleeping, or sleeps too much, there is a possibility that it’s depression. Depression and anxiety particularly have become so prevalent that it’s exceedingly common for individuals to be taking medication for one or even both of these mood disorders. As a matter of fact, the incidence of depression and anxiety has tripled since 1990 and more than twenty-five percent of the adult population in the U.S. suffers from one or more mood troubles. Sometimes depression is subtle, and sometimes it can be in your face. The main thing to note is that if you’re feeling hopeless, sad, and empty for more than two weeks, you probably are suffering from depression.
This bundle will teach you everything you need to know to understand depression. You will learn what can cause or trigger depression and how it can affect your daily life. You will learn the different steps that you can do to cope and overcome your depression.
This 2 in 1 Bundle includes the following audiobooks:
Dealing With Depression: The Essential Guide on How to Cope With Depression, Learn Proven Strategies on How to Fight and Overcome Depression For GoodFight Depression: The Essential Guide on Fighting Depression, Discover How to Understand and Overcome Depression to Start Living a Happier LifeGet your copy of Healing Your Depression 2 in 1 Bundle today!
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